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Resolved! STM32H735 problem

The two buttons next to the STM32H735 I bought fell off during the shipping process. Will this have a great impact on the use?

kuxiang by Associate II
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BOR vs PVD Detection Logic

We have seen PVD triggers when there is transient load of 1A added on the 3.3Vdc (loaded additional to our design through electronic load) and it triggers when the transient load dips the 3.3V for duration of ~450 micro seconds.We have seen BOR trigg...

SPati.7 by Associate III
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What is exactly a peripheral reset on STM32H7

Hello,It's not clear for me what a peripheral reset (registers RCC_xxxRSTR) is doing. I didn't find the details in the reference manual. I assume it resets the internal state machine of the periph, its FIFOs, but for example does it also reset its co...

Gpeti by Senior II
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