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What are the major differences between "Proprietary License vs BSD Clause 3 details ??"BSD Clause 3 says followRedistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are m...
We are looking for Unique identification number per STM32, in the process we came to know about unique 96-bit serial number. is it really Unique ?? how it Guarantees, that no duplicate exist ??Can you please help on this clarification ??INFO
We have seen PVD triggers when there is transient load of 1A added on the 3.3Vdc (loaded additional to our design through electronic load) and it triggers when the transient load dips the 3.3V for duration of ~450 micro seconds.We have seen BOR trigg...
I worked on POC for X-CUBE-SBSFU in windows environment. It is all working fine without any issues.Now the challenge is, we need to migrate SBSFU source to be compiled in Ubuntu Linux environment. I am struggling to do this, and getting lot of errors...
As per my understanding Secure Mode of STM32H7 as follows:RESET => Enter System Boot loader => Program OB register content => If (SECURITY) => RSS Boot => Configure Secure User Memory => Jump to Secure User memory on User Flash.I have two open questi...
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