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Resolved! STM32U5A5 OTG_HS USB Host with DMA not enumerating

Hello,I have been utilizing the OTG_HS peripheral on an STM32U5A5 to act as a USB host. I am using the USBx stack in a non-secure application and initializing the peripheral as follows: VOID USBX_APP_Host_Init(VOID) { MX_USB_HCD_Init(); ux_host...

Namr by Associate
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Need help with specific I2C DMA setup on STM32U5

Hello,I am trying to implement the following: a timer (tim3) is set to PWM generation, outputting a pulse periodically. Its TRGO triggers the DMA channel to request I2C to initiate a read transaction, read 8 bytes and generate an event interrupt (TC ...

ruddy17 by Associate II
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ADC to DMA not working on Nucleo-U545RE-Q

Hello.I have problems to get DMA with ADC working.I'd like to collect 2 values from PA3 and PA4 and store them in an array (convertedData_u16). I configured ADC1 with Channels 8 and 9, and GPDMA1 with Channel1.I can see that data is being collected i...

Issue when using SPI using DMA

Hello,  I wanted to have SPI with DMA RX, below issues I face: 1. When SPI RX DMA function used with no TX DMA configured in MX (but blocking SPI TX used), It remains in RX busy state 2. When SPI RX DMA function used with blocking TX function, SPI wo...

GauravK by Senior
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STM32F411 ADC DMA Output Issue

I have configured the ADC to use pins 1,2,3,4 for DMA transfer. I do get COM port output, however, I noticed that the outputted numbers aren't as they are supposed to be. The values for only 2 of the 4 pins change as they should. The other 2 do not.T...

dlaroche by Associate
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