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Forum Posts

Resolved! SAI1 DMA Callback Issue

Hello everyone,I'm currently working on a project using the STM32H723VE microcontroller and have encountered a problem with the SAI1 peripheral. Previously, I developed my code on the STM32H723ZG Nucleo and everything worked perfectly, including the ...

Resolved! PDM microphone as "DSD over USB" (or network)

Not just an idea, something to verify:"PDM microphone via USB or Network"Instead of doing the PDM2PCM conversion (inside MCU) - send the PDM bit stream to a host PC at it is. We can do the PDM to PCM conversion, e.g. with Python scripts, on a host PC...

tjaekel by Lead
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SAI Problems in slave receiver mode

Hello,I am trying to read sample from a AD7768 using a STM32F767. The data is feed to the SAI peripheral at 8Mhz. I used this code

mickael2 by Associate II
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STM32U5 PDMtoPCM filter not working

Hello everyone,I am currently attempting to convert PDM data (from a MEMS CMM-4030DT-26354) to PCM data using the libPDMFilter_CM7_IAR_wc32 provided by STM32Cube. However, the results I am obtaining are not as expected. I am expecting a 1000 Hz sine ...

eduarm by Associate
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Resolved! STM MCUs: how to sync Audio IN and OUT?

This is more an experience report.I want to get audio from an INput source and forward to an OUTput sink. And both should stay in sync "forever" (I do not want to have a clock drift, I do not want to have the condition to skip a sample or to add one,...


Resolved! BSP Audio STM32F756G- DISCO

Hello, I am trying to play wav audio files from and sd card. The reading of the data works fine but the BSP_AUDIO_OUT_Play doesnt work, It get stuck inside the Dafult handler infinite loop.     

F15javi by Associate
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Resolved! FatFs unrealiable under high load on STM32H743

Hello,I am using a STM32H743 with a W25Q128 external flash memory running FreeRTOS and FatFs. USB is configured for mass storage, to copy files from a computer to the flash memory. The following function is used to list all the files and directories ...

JP_ama by Associate III
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Mems microphone and stm32 f4 boards

Hi  techteam,Please provide and reference code example or community project which contains how to interfaces st pdm microphones with pdm /i2s/Sai peripheral of nucleo f446re board.Please note I have already went throught the appnote an5027.Waiting fo...

Resolved! STM32U5xx: SPDIF out - how to configure?

I am struggling since days to get "my audio" out via SPDIF (electrical).What I see on scope (there is a voltage divider and cap for DC-free on PC12, Vpp is 0.6V, approx. 75 Ohm impedance):It makes sense - but my SPDIF receiver (a STM32F769I-DISCO boa...
