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I need product recomendation using LIN protocol

  Hello. i'm trying to controll actuator by lin protocol. Which mcu is fit for me? and what i have to perchase more things? (for example, lin transceiver is need nor not, 1 more mcu for master-slave configuration) and which software i can use for it?...

32F072BDISCOVERY Serial Print

Hi Community,I am getting started with STM32 chips and I recently acquired the 32F072BDISCOVERY dev kit ( I downloaded the STM32CubeIDE and have been able to write,compile, and pr...

kfc-eng by Associate
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Resolved! HAL - Interupt-driven I2C, USART

Hi,I am new to the STM32 world and currently working on the following application on a STM32F103CBT6 @72MHz:1. Collect data from I2C sensor triggered from external interrupt @800Hz2. Read commands (MODBUS RTU) from USART and respond.I set up the uC w...

STM32H7xx USART3 can't wake up from STOP mode

Our product uses a STM32H7xx chip, integrate freeRTOS. We want our product can go into STOP mode to save power, and can be waked up from STOP by USART3 receiving data.Below is some related code, but it does not work, our product can't be waked up by ...

HarryXia by Associate II
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UART in full duplex missing bytes

Hello,I have an application where I transfer data to and from a PC with a FT232R and a UART. There is data beeing transfered back and foth constantly and asynchrone to another, so it is sending and receiveing at any random time and simultaneously. Se...

machinist by Associate III
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With DCMI (with DMA) and USART only 1.5FPS, why is the frame rate really low? The output is set to QVGA and formatted as JPEG.  

Shiina_0-1720607635646.png Shiina_1-1720607659868.png Shiina_2-1720607674883.png
Shiina by Associate III
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