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Resolved! Why pinrst is configured after sftrst

If you run it with the reset pin, you can use the "__HAL_RCC_GET_FLAG()" functionYou can see that "RCC_FLAG_PINRST" is set.However, when executed with "HAL_NVIC_SystemReset()", "RCC_FLAG_SFTRST" and "RCC_FLAG_PINRST" are set.My expectation is that on...

Resolved! State of UART pins during a reset on STM32F439

I am having a hard time finding out the state of the UART pins while the chip is held in RESET. Are pins E2, D5, D4, and E1 held in a high-impedance state while the RESET pin H9 is pulled low? I suspect they are, but am trying to confirm through docu...

LKish.1 by Associate
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MCU starts code if I do a hardware reset!

Hello,I'm working with STM32F427VIT6 microcontroller. BOOT0 is connected to GND through 10K resistor. The NRST state is high.My problem is when I power up the board, the microcontroller code execution seems to not start. The execution only starts if ...

BS.2 by Associate
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STM32G4 Flash writes at BOR

Hello,We have currently moved on to the STM32G4 series, and we are now looking at a project where data will be occasionally written to flash under control of our own code. Of course, this exposes us to flash memory corruption during unforeseen power ...

Resolved! STM32 won't start without physical reset.

Hi, My mcu is STM32L476RGTx and I experiencing very strange behaviors to make my cpu start. This mcu is on pcb I designed myself.My boot0 pin is shorted to GNDAnd the reset pin pulled up to VCC.I can program my chip with my st link (updated to the la...

dodonny by Associate III
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STM32 MCU stucks after power cut-off

Here is my process :I supply my board with an USB cable.Then I flash my stm32L4 with a segger / st-link.My firmware goes in shutdown mode.I unplug the USB cable. Thus the power is suddently off.After that, I wire a battery to my device. Thus the MCU ...

SimonF by Senior
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STM32F103RB Reset IC neccessary?

I had an issue with a STM32F103RB connected to a poor Power Supply with slow Ramp-Up.In this case, the CAN Peripheral was not correctly initialized. After adding an external Voltage supervisor the Issue dissapeared. My question: is it also possible t...
