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Forum Posts

Addressable LED Programming in STM8

We are trying to program addressable LEDs through STM8 microcontroller. For the initial development, we use the NUCLEO-8S208RB. The architecture is as below image. Eight "IN-PI33QBTPRPGPBPW-60" LEDs connected to a data line in daisy chain.We face som...

PreethiT by Associate II
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Canbus Driver Init

Hello,I am new for the this mcu(STM8S). I want to init and run the Can driver. But I can't find any documentation or examples on the subject. I don't see any guidance on installing the driver. How should I do this? Are there any examples? I could onl...

STM8S103 I2C issue

Hi,I like to control this cute STM8S103 uC with c-code without using any library. I created many succesfully projects but now I want to write a I2C driver.I configured the uC portpins PB4/PB5 being SCL/SDA as Psuedo Open Drain and as Ouput and the I2...

sthvw by Associate II
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Resolved! STM8L051F3, TIM4, what do I miss to make it run

I'm a bit rusty on 8Bit MCU's, more used to STM32 but have to get that STM8 project done.I have a problem get TIM4 running, it might be I don't see the wood for all that trees.It gets compiled using SDCC and the header file is slightly adopted for th...

jgnoss by Associate III
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Resolved! STM8S SPI: how to use it in 3-wire (bidirectional data) mode?

Hello,I want to connect STM8S003 & ADXL345 (accelerometer) using SPI 3wire mode (lines ~CS, SCK & MOSI as single bidirectional data line).According to 'RM0016 Reference manual STM8S...', the register SPI_CR2 of STM8S has BDM (Bidirectional data mode ...

Vadim_ by Associate II
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delay_ms not working

I have copied the delay_ms function from the standard Discovery code, but I can't get it to work. It seems that it is running precise 10x too slow, so "delay_ms(100)" gives me a 1 sec delay.Can anyone explain what is wrong?/* MAIN.C file * * Copyr...

Wassini by Associate II
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Install STM8CubeMX Issues

Getting stuck installing STM8CubeMX on Ubuntu 23.10.Downloaded from here: From the manual found here:

Microcontroller suggestion for OHC Automotive Design

HI ST SupportWe are looking a microcontroller for our new Requirements, Please look below details and suggest. Project Name : Overhead ConsoleSOW : Design Complete electronics of OHC with Rear light control. There will be some Touch Switch to detect ...


STM8 fast output

Hi,I have a STM8s003 which I have already programmed with the Arduino IDE but the commands “digitalWrite” and “digitalRead” were too slow for me. I also found an alternative that works with the Arduino but not with the STM8: CLR(PORTA, 2); SET(PORTA,...

Erik1 by Associate
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