MEMS (sensors)

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lis2dw12 linux driver difference

there are two kinds of linux driver for lis2dw12 in LIS2DW12 - 3轴MEMS加速度计,超低功耗,可配置单/双击识别,自由落体,唤醒,纵向/横向,6D/4D方向检测 - 意法半导体STMicroelectronics which is LinuxDriverIIO and LinuxDriverInput,1.what's the difference, which should we use, Do you have an appli...

xuehua by Associate
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  • 0 kudos PRO : Record human activity and pedometer

Hello, @Andrea VITALI,After using the WESU board ( decided to move forward with the sensor tile box PRO. We want to record human activity recognition and pedometer inf...

pierre63 by Associate II
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LSM6DSO not reading 1G at rest

I  am writing my own library in C++ to operate the LSM6DSO and when the sensor is at rest it reads 0.5 G on the z-axis, I've tried the code with 2 ICs, one in an Adafruit breakout board, and another one in an old PCB that had the sensor soldered one ...

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ASM330LHH gyro anti-pre-ADC aliasing filter

Hello, we are using the ASM330LHH in our product and are doing some bandwidth testing and trying to model the gyro channel behavior. Our settings are ODR = 6667Hz, LPF1 bandwidth = 470, LPF2 =3333Hz. Looking at the data sheet "Gyroscope filtering cha...

tjbh by Associate
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LSM6DS3TR SEE framework drivers

Hello, We would like to integrate LSM6DS3TR sensor.For that to happed we need SEE (Secure Execution Environment) framework drivers for Qualcomm based processors. Could you please supply drivers for that? It is urgent. Thank you.Best regards,Miha

MApli.1 by Associate II
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ISM330DLC FIFO AXL+Gyro+Timestamp

Dear SupportI want to add timestamp registration to the FIFO.I already use FIFO to save gyroscope and accelerometer samples, but I'm struggling to add timestamps.Since ODR is too high for polling mode the only solution is this one.I attach some code ...

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Is it possible to use Pro with Pi Pico W?

Would it be possible to connect and send sensor data to a Pi Pico W from the STEVAL-MKBOXPRO? I’m looking for a way to connect them together via Bluetooth but a wired connection would be alright too. I have connected a Pico to the sensortile box via ...

spi1 by Associate
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Hi,I'm trying to use LIS2MDL magnetometer sensor with 4 wire bus but I'm encountering a problem with the library.Here is my init function:lis2mdl.c library screenshot:On line 122,  my instance is always initialized (is_initialized=1) by the init func...

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AKE1 by Associate II
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