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Resolved! i can't erase flash memory of STM32C0116DK

i'm using stm32c011f4u6 mcu's DK(stm32c0116dk), and i generate the file as mdk-arm and it's running with keil5.i tried erase to test the flash memory, but it doesn't work. i even used the SDK example file, and i get the same error. Below is the main....

KenLee by Associate III
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STM32C031 is simulated in KEIL, but only a few breakpoints can be added during the running process, and the level is also level0.How to locate this kind of problem,Thank you very much for your help!

Resolved! KEIL uVision5 Registers cannot be viewed in debug mode

I couldn't look at the registers while using Keil. The chip model is STM32U575VGT6. I remember the wrong package to install stm32U5, he said there was a file error, but I could still compile the U5 series chips. Is it because of this? now how do I in...

debug register.png packs svd.png target.png
Alpha_Lee by Associate II
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Pitch, yaw and roll

Hello,i have used the library i aploaded to calculate roll, pitch and yaw.I am using MPU6050 with STM32F103C8 and KEIL IDE.For pitch and roll i get good results but i cann't get the result for yaw.I use kalman filter for that. 

hamo by Senior
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Option Bytes programming by Keil

I'm trying to program option bytes in STM32G4 series by Keil, I did steps below but still some problem exists:Add "STM32G4xx_SB_OPT.s" file from Keil pack directory to projectAdd "STM32G4xx dual bank Flash Options" algorithm in Flash Download tabI st...
