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The new revision of errata sheet for STM32H7 mentions a new error relative to SPI: It is particularly vague.What "fast software" and "slow SPI" frequency means exactly ? What is the minimum ration between both frequencies to avoid the issue ?What "ad...
Hello,I'm using STM32CubeH7 1.11.2 and STM32CubeIDE 1.12.1.The zip files available both on github and on for STM32CubeH7 1.11.2 are not functional because many files are missing (not the same in both zip files b the way...). I guess this is be...
Hello,Since several weeks I had program loading issues using Lauterbach Trace32 debugger on a STM32H753.It came out it is due to the issue described here:
I don't understand the goal of pin PDR_ON.From STM32H7 reference manual: I don't understand what "the power on/off reset function can be disabled" means. The product does not go to reset state even if the voltage goes below PDR threshold ?
Hello,I'm a bit confused about stack management on Cortex M7.In my SW I only use the MSP.I understood that the MSP can only be modified with a MSR instruction. However the SP can be modified with a "simple" LDR instruction.Does that mean that when I ...
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