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Resolved! Struggling with I2C and the MCP79410 real time clock protocol

Hi, I need to use the MCP79410 rtc (or alikes: DS1307, PCF8583, etc) but the STM32CubeIDE I2C seems that can't handle the read/write protocol for these devices. For example, as the below image shows, one needs to send the control byte (writing) follo...

Captura de pantalla de 2024-09-12 00-57-52.png
XR.1 by Associate III
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I2C Slave clock stretching not working using HAL

Hello, I am using an STM32F103CBT as an I2C slave. A memory buffer is to be transferred via the interface. Although hi2c1.Init.NoStretchMode = I2C_NOSTRETCH_DISABLE; is set, I cannot measure clock stretching and the first byte transferred is always 0...

JoBil by Associate
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Resolved! STM32G030 is support I2C master?

Have an issue with connection I2C sensor to STM32G030 chip.  Function HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady alvais return HAL_ERROR.  Looks like this controller are not support I2C master, but documentation said: Features of the I2C peripheral: I2C-bus specification...

Bigdan by Associate
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I2C clock not working

Hi everybody !! i have an issue on I2C with a STM32 issue. i thought this was a code issue but in the main i also make LEDs blinking and it works, only the I2C doesn't work but... i noticed that my lines both rise to 3.3V but never fall down it just ...

Tendo by Associate II
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Need help with specific I2C DMA setup on STM32U5

Hello,I am trying to implement the following: a timer (tim3) is set to PWM generation, outputting a pulse periodically. Its TRGO triggers the DMA channel to request I2C to initiate a read transaction, read 8 bytes and generate an event interrupt (TC ...

ruddy17 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F04 bootloader in TSSOP20 package

I'm working on a design that involves using an STM32F04 acting as a USB-CDC to RS232 bridge to communicate with the main logic of the system, in preference to dedicated RS232 USB chips that require dedicated drivers. In addition to this, the STM32 is...

Resolved! LPBAM I2C data buffer using NUCLEO-U575ZI-Q

Hi everyone,  I am trying to use LPTIM1 and I2C3 to read the values of a sensor's register every 1 second and save them into a data buffer while in Stop2 mode. What I would like to know is if it is possible to store data sampled at a given frequency ...

Test_00_Queue2.jpg Test_02_Queue2.jpg Test_03_Queue2.jpg Current_Consumption_10s.jpg

F411: how to handle I2C Errors

I am using the I2C code in STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.26.0\Projects\STM32F411E-Discovery\Examples\I2C\I2C_TwoBoards_ComPolling as base to write my own I2C firmware.I would say the HAL library in stm32f4xx_hal_i2c.c is quite useful and covers all I2C communic...

HDaji.1 by Senior
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