Regarding purchasing the STM32 board
Hi community,Where can I buy the STM32F407-DISC1 and Nucleo-F446RE boards in Morocco? Can anyone guide me on this?
Hi community,Where can I buy the STM32F407-DISC1 and Nucleo-F446RE boards in Morocco? Can anyone guide me on this?
Hello, at a glance the 40 Pin GPIO on the STM32MP257F-DK appears to be matching the Raspberry Pi standard, is this correct ?
I need to migrate my project from STM32MP135F-DK board to custom hardware (SoM based on STM23MP135DAF7). To build images I use Yocto Project (Scarthgap) with meta-st-stm32 layer.As a begginer in device trees and BSPs world, I would like to get some r...
Hello, I have STM32MP135F-DK board and raspberry pi camera module v2.1 but board does not see cameraI guess I have to modify stm32mp135f-dk.dtb file. But how should I write settings like OV5640 or GC2145 in dtb filelike that gc2145: gc2145@3c { co...
When will this product be available in retail ? The ECO system already supports this board but there is no STMICRO hardware, except the EV board.
Hello,I have a custom board based on STM32MP257F-EV1 but with an eMMC (4 bits) connected on SDMM1.I have modify CubeMX configuration accordingly: I have also modify the device tree to declare the eMMC on SDMMC1:&sdmmc1 { pinctrl-names = "default", "...
After my video data is encoded by H264 hardware, the picture becomes darker. This issue doesn't occur when displayed directly. Both the ISP and the camera preview are normal. I need some help.board : stm32mp257f-evalcamera: imx335hardware encoder par...
Dear Friends, can anyone help me make a CNC lathe using the STM32 NUCLEO-F411RE microcontroller?
Hello,For students, we recently bought the STM32MP257F eval board, and the related camera and hdmi bridge.Everything works perfectly and I would like to connect a Raspberry Camera v2. (IMX219) to the board, as it is also a CSI/MIPI camera (and whe ha...
Moved from a previous thread. @mƎALLEmunfortunately appear next problem .CAN works grate !The display connected by MIPI DSI it goes wrong when a lot of frames in CAN interface arrive. Like the display slowed down a lot ... @xchenreading this thread ,...