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Forum Posts

GPIO interrupt triggered incorrectly

I am using micro switches in my system with the GPIO EXTI. I would like to detect only the press of the switch, but the interrupt was triggered on both press and release of the switch. The interrupts were even triggered twice on each press and releas...

hchienti by Associate II
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Timer callback issue?

Hi,I have timer with period 1 sec (80 MHz clock):  htim2.Init.Prescaler = 80-1; htim2.Init.CounterMode = TIM_COUNTERMODE_UP; htim2.Init.Period = 1000000-1;  Global var (volatile uint32_t) increased every time counter wraps around void HAL_TIM_PeriodE...

Lex by Associate III
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HRTIM interrupt callback function

I would like use HRTIM timerA interruption event, so I where looking for the weak function to rewrite it but not found it.I found that I must set compilation flag USE_HAL_HRTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS to 1 and make all functions as weak. If I make so stro...

JLope.11 by Associate III
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MCU not stopping at sleepmode in freertos

I am using stm32l496  I am trying to enter sleepmode in freertos, but for some reason the system does not enter it. GLOBAL void SleepMode_Activate(void) { unsigned int sleep; flag = 1; /*Disable display task if not already disabled*/ if (mt...

HZaib.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! inconsistent behaviour in TIMER and CCxR interrupt

Hi, I'm using an STM32L053R6Tx chipI've implemented at TMR2_interrupt hander it gets triggered on ARR overflow and CC1FI'm using the interrupt to trigger a GPIO output to work like a PWM the- GPIO is high when CNT is less than CCR1- GPIO is low when ...

evank by Associate
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Resolved! FatFs unrealiable under high load on STM32H743

Hello,I am using a STM32H743 with a W25Q128 external flash memory running FreeRTOS and FatFs. USB is configured for mass storage, to copy files from a computer to the flash memory. The following function is used to list all the files and directories ...

JP_ama by Associate III
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Resolved! Where is ETH_PHY_INTN

In the reference Manual of STMH730, on Table 543, page 2825, there's a Port "ETH_PHY_INTN" listed. Where ist that port? Or where can I configure the GPIO to use for it? I cannot find anything in the datasheet.

pkoevesdi by Associate III
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