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Forum Posts

Secure Boot and Read Out Protection

Hi all,I'm designing a product that will have a USB boot-loader.I would like to choose a micro-controller that supports secure-boot as well as an ability to completely lock down the micro-controller such that no flash can be read from it. I understan...

STM32G0 Stop 1 with wake on event

I'm trying to do something that seems simple if you go a search. I want the module to sleep. Then I will wake it with voltage on pin B6. I don't want an interrupt. Just an event. People mix event and interrupt so much and all the examples I see are b...

Carl_G by Senior
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Hi am relatively new to stm32 development.I would like to understand the difference between HAL_GPIO_EXTI_CLEAR_IT and HAL_GPIO_EXTI_CLEAR_FLAG Thank you!

Hard fault with STM32G0B1 and LVGL

Hello,   On one hand, I built an app that uses I2C, 2 UARTS, ADCs, captures PWM, provides PWM. All of them rely heavily on the use of DMAs. This app gives good results without any apparent issue. On the  other hand, I built a test app on the same tar...

JulienD_1-1740667213052.png JulienD_0-1740667038774.png
JulienD by Senior
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H755 / ADC3 / DMA

Hello,I'm desperate. Just want to concvert some data with the ADC3 with DMA on a H755.No chance! DMA doesn't work, and even a cyclic sample only produces the right values for the first turn. After that, only max. resolution is returned. 12 bit => 0x8...

UBöke.1 by Associate II
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