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Forum Posts

VL53L8CX Power consumption is too high

Hello,in the datasheet for the L8, the power consumption for a low power mode such as autonomous 4x4, 1Hz frequency and 5 ms integration time is given to be 1.6 mW . I tried measuring the power consumption for a similar mode which is autonomous 4x4 @...

simonbelanger_0-1725030402551.png simonbelanger_1-1725031416679.png

VL53L5CX _start_ranging() fails with 255 error

Hi all,For the last several days I have been battling this API for the VL53L5CX and finally reached the point where the initialisation passes every time. I proceed to set some of the configuration parameters (mostly resetting to the default values su...

ALohr.1 by Associate II
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VL53L7CH does not recognise the closest object

I put a object at about 1100mm, and another object at about 50mm. And use example5 to test vl53l7ch (4x4 resolution, max 2 objects per zone), but found that it does not recognise the closest object. For example, zone 13 output:[Zone13] (found 1 objec...

Resolved! The sample code for the VL53L5A1 sensor cannot be built.

This is my first time posting.Thank you for viewing. ・I would like to use the VL53L5A1 sensor with the STM32L0 series.・Created according to the manufacturer's document "UM2974".・When I created it with STM32CubeMX Ver6.11.0, the build did not pass. Th...

NEO-MEC by Associate
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Hi,I am testing VL53L8A with NUCLEO-F401RE and 53L8A1_SimpleRanging software under STM32CubeIDE.Changing RANGING_FREQUENCY from 5U to 15U does not increase the frame rate, always 5Hz.What am I doing wrong? I have changed also the TIMING_BUDGET to 5U ...