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Program update

Hi,1. is there any tool (GUI) to update program using executable?2. How to have different modes of programming? (UART/ USB/ sd card)3. Bootloader mentions: USB OTG FS (PA11/12) in Device mode (DFU: device firmware upgrade). Can external HS phy in FS ...

GauravK by Associate III
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Resolved! HAL_UART_Transmit cost 15ms?

I just find my HAL_UART_Transmit() function cost 15ms. why does it cost so much time?The UART speed is 19200, and I use GPIO set and reset function to check the time cost.Total data length of send buffer is 29 bytes. and I use a 15ms polling loop to ...

RichKnight_0-1718974064446.png RichKnight_1-1718974149729.png

Resolved! STM32F446 DAC DMA with asymmetrical output

Hi all, I need to generate a DAC output which is operating on 2 quadrants and the quadrants may be asymmetrical with respect to both the duty cycle and the amplitude. Attached a picture which better explains what I need. MCU STM32F446RE DAC OUT1 on p...

McMax by Associate II
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Flash corruption and write protection mechanism

Posted on March 25, 2016 at 09:45We are using STM32F405 in our product which is a controller. We have met strange problems reported by our customer but can't reproduce the phenomenon in our lab when taking the controller back from customer. The cont...

Configuring STM32F439 timer to pulse at specific counts.

I wanted to use the STM32F439 timers, any of them but timer 8 seems to be the best one with my current peripherals, to act as a trigger source. Basically, the timer would drive a pin low, and at specific counts of the timer, drive the pin high for ~5...

EBDRS by Associate
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Resolved! What is a good approach to measure the time it takes to receive each I2S sample when using DMA from a CODEC into my STMF446 when using interrupt callbacks?

Hi, in my current audio processing set up I have a CODEC set as master connected to my STM32F446RE (slave). The current configuration utilizes I2S DMA interrupt callbacks to handle the input and processing of these samples received. The CODEC receive...

AP.10 by Associate II
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How to configure STM32F407VG using Ethernet in ENC28J60

Hi Team, where we are trying interface ENC28J60 in STM32F407VG Microcontroller to use Ethernet, Is there any procedure to create a project in cube ide are any link related to this board how to interface ENC28J60 to STM controller. Best Regards,Gagan ...

ggowd.1 by Associate III
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How to reset counter value ?

This post was originally attached to this old, solved thread:    Hi,   in my case this technique has some drowback. It seems that using the macro  __HAL_TIM_SET_CO...

FAJOL.1 by Associate II
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