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Forum Posts

NMI error with STM32H563VGT MCU

 Hi everyone!I’m facing random NMI errors in my project using the STM32H563 MCU, and I’m trying to identify the root cause.System OverviewMy project uses Ethernet (ETH) with NETx Duo and Thread X with static configuration.No RAMCFG (SRAMx, BKPSRAM) i...

STM32G0B0RET6 failure rate

We are on the second generation of prototype here. On the first generation I had an MCU fail for reasons I couldn't trace.  This was from a set of six. I have now powered seven of the second generation two have had MCU failures.  The second failure w...

Zdiode by Associate
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Resolved! How to disable XSPI SCK Clock preamble?

Good day Folks,I am hoping you are able to shed some light on this odd XSPI clock behaviour.  I have connected XSPI2 to a W25Q64 Flash in QSPI mode.There are 'preamble' clocks present prior to the NCS being asserted. I've noticed that the number of p...

exarian_0-1739629846858.png exarian_1-1739630051967.png exarian_2-1739630122997.png exarian_3-1739630235507.png
exarian by Associate II
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    HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, (uint8_t *)"UART OK\r\n", 9, HAL_MAX_DELAY); filter_config(); if (HAL_CAN_ActivateNotification(&hcan1, CAN_IT_RX_FIFO0_MSG_PENDING | CAN_IT_BUSOFF) != HAL_OK) { HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, (uint8_t *)"CAN Notificatio...

Yakry by Associate
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STM32H745 Bootloader and RAM on STM32H745XI-DISCO

I want to create and application on a STM32H745XI-DISCO. I am not using M7 core only M4.Reference manual says that upto 864kB of SRAM  and 2MB of flash are available.I will receive the application sw via Can. My bootloader will save it RAM and after ...

How to utilize 4.2MB RAM in STM32N6

Hi,I am using STM32N6570-DK kit. In my application I need ~3.5MB of RAM but if I allocate more than 256KB of RAM I get the error "region `RAM' overflowed by xxxx bytes".  I got the same results as well when I imported "UART_HyperTerminal_IT" example ...

Jayesh2 by Associate II
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ADC Multichannel - DMA on STM32U545

Good afternoon,  I have some questions for reading multiple channels of the ADC in continuous mode and map the results in the DMA. I have been able to monitor the voltage coming from a potentiometer and map it into the DMA and i can see the values in...

Marc3 by Associate
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Resolved! I2C Slave device implementation ACK/NACK problem

As mentioned in the topic subject, I would like to implement I2C Slave device which will simulate the BQ769x2 device. For development I'm using STM32F4 Discovery board, but the final product will be deployed on STM32L0.Master device is first trying t...

mr4k_0-1739542590631.png Write_3E_0100_NACK1.png Write_3E_0100_ACK.png
mr4k by Associate
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USB Microphone

I'm trying to send a Audio data from MEMS microphone to Device through USB. I had defined a configured a descriptors accordingly. But I'm facing Error message that is *!*ERROR: No open pipes!.[Port1] : USB Composite DeviceIs Port User Connectable: ye...