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I want to create and application on a STM32H745XI-DISCO. I am not using M7 core only M4.Reference manual says that upto 864kB of SRAM  and 2MB of flash are available.I will receive the application sw via Can. My bootloader will save it RAM and after ...
Posted on March 08, 2018 at 10:10HiI am using IHM08M1 board with stm32f302, to drive a bldc 36 volts BLDC motor. I am using SixSTep library (SPN8). I need very low speed in my project like 1 rpm. The motor has a 100:1 reduction gear. The minimum spe...
Posted on March 23, 2016 at 14:26Hi, I am using STM32f405, and CMSIS dsp library, to filter a signal acquired by ADS1278. The filter used is a 12th order bandpass butterworth IIR filter whose coefficients generated by matlab, and my signal is 2430Hz...