Hello, I have been trying for some days to read the values incoming form both ADCs, ADC1 & ADC4, from the NUCLEO U545-REQ. The overall idea is to trigger both ADCs at the same time in output compare mode but if i try to trigger both of them at the s...
Does someone have information, project, whatever that can help me understand how do the Queues and Nodes work and interact with each other?
My STM32 has two ADCs, ADC1 & ADC4, and i want to trigger both of them to read values comming fro...
Hello, I have a NUCLEO U545 - REQ and i have a Queue in which i read the incoming values from 4 potientiometers from my ADC4 and send them directly into the DMA. The problem is that i also have the ADC1 connected to some potentiometers and im not a...
Good afternoon, I have a question regarding the best strategy to follow on how to measure multiple channels with the ADC (triggered with timer) and map them to the DMA. I have followed the project called ADC_DMA_Transfer that can be found in the Pro...
Good afternoon, I am currently trying to calibrate my ADC4 of my NUCLEO U545 and I am using the following function: HAL_ADCEx_Calibration_Start(&hadc4, CalibrationMode, SingleDiff);As said before the first parameter is going to be the ADC4 that I am...
Thank you so much! I just got it working.I have been two weeks asking and looking in forums how to set this multireading task and nobody answered. Thank you!Marc
Hello, I have the same nucleo board. I would like to perform a similar application just as you do but my code gets stuck somewhere ... I have two questions ...- Could you please share the configuration of the LinkedList, Queue and Node?- Could you e...
Hello, Debbuging the code the execution stops at the following part of the code: if (pQList->State == HAL_DMA_QUEUE_STATE_BUSY)
/* Update the queue error code */
return HAL_ERROR;
Thank you for the fast answer. No, when debbuging it the execution does not reach the while loop. It gets stuck in the following lines: if (HAL_DMAEx_List_LinkQ(&handle_GPDMA1_Channel10, &ADC_Queue) != HAL_OK)
}Therefore t...