2025-02-17 4:39 AM - edited 2025-02-17 4:44 AM
I'm trying to send a Audio data from MEMS microphone to Device through USB. I had defined a configured a descriptors accordingly. But I'm facing Error message that is *!*ERROR: No open pipes!.
[Port1] : USB Composite Device
Is Port User Connectable: yes
Is Port Debug Capable: no
Companion Port Number: 13
Companion Hub Symbolic Link Name: USB#ROOT_HUB30#4&1bb9c172&1&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}
Protocols Supported:
USB 1.1: yes
USB 2.0: yes
USB 3.0: no
Device Power State: PowerDeviceD0
---===>Device Information<===---
English product name: "STM32 Audio Class"
Current Config Value: 0x01 -> Device Bus Speed: Full (is not SuperSpeed or higher capable)
Device Address: 0x07
Open Pipes: 0
*!*ERROR: No open pipes!
===>Device Descriptor<===
bLength: 0x12
bDescriptorType: 0x01
bcdUSB: 0x0200
bDeviceClass: 0x00 -> This is an Interface Class Defined Device
bDeviceSubClass: 0x00
bDeviceProtocol: 0x00
bMaxPacketSize0: 0x40 = (64) Bytes
idVendor: 0x0483 = STMicroelectronics
idProduct: 0x5740
bcdDevice: 0x0200
iManufacturer: 0x01
English (United States) "STMicroelectronics"
iProduct: 0x02
English (United States) "STM32 Audio Class"
iSerialNumber: 0x03
English (United States) "205F30963556"
bNumConfigurations: 0x01
---===>Full Configuration Descriptor<===---
===>Configuration Descriptor<===
bLength: 0x09
bDescriptorType: 0x02
wTotalLength: 0x006D -> Validated
bNumInterfaces: 0x02
bConfigurationValue: 0x01
iConfiguration: 0x00
bmAttributes: 0x80 -> Bus Powered
MaxPower: 0x32 = 100 mA
===>Interface Descriptor<===
bLength: 0x09
bDescriptorType: 0x04
bInterfaceNumber: 0x00
bAlternateSetting: 0x00
bNumEndpoints: 0x00
bInterfaceClass: 0x01 -> Audio Interface Class
bInterfaceSubClass: 0x01 -> Audio Control Interface SubClass
bInterfaceProtocol: 0x00
iInterface: 0x00
===>Audio Control Interface Header Descriptor<===
bLength: 0x09
bDescriptorType: 0x24 (CS_INTERFACE)
bDescriptorSubtype: 0x01 (HEADER)
bcdADC: 0x0100
wTotalLength: 0x0026
bInCollection: 0x01
baInterfaceNr[1]: 0x01
===>Audio Control Input Terminal Descriptor<===
bLength: 0x0C
bDescriptorType: 0x24 (CS_INTERFACE)
bDescriptorSubtype: 0x02 (INPUT_TERMINAL)
bTerminalID: 0x01
wTerminalType: 0x0201 (Microphone)
bAssocTerminal: 0x00
bNrChannels: 0x01
wChannelConfig: 0x0000
iChannelNames: 0x00
iTerminal: 0x00
===>Audio Control Feature Unit Descriptor<===
bLength: 0x09
bDescriptorType: 0x24 (CS_INTERFACE)
bDescriptorSubtype: 0x06 (FEATURE_UNIT)
bUnitID: 0x02
bSourceID: 0x01
bControlSize: 0x01
bmaControls[master]: 02
bmaControls[channel 0]: 00
iFeature: 0x00
===>Audio Control Output Terminal Descriptor<===
bLength: 0x09
bDescriptorType: 0x24 (CS_INTERFACE)
bDescriptorSubtype: 0x03 (OUTPUT_TERMINAL)
bTerminalID: 0x03
wTerminalType: 0x0101 (USB streaming)
bAssocTerminal: 0x00
bSourceID: 0x02
iTerminal: 0x00
===>Interface Descriptor<===
bLength: 0x09
bDescriptorType: 0x04
bInterfaceNumber: 0x01
bAlternateSetting: 0x00
bNumEndpoints: 0x00
bInterfaceClass: 0x01 -> Audio Interface Class
bInterfaceSubClass: 0x02 -> Audio Streaming Interface SubClass
bInterfaceProtocol: 0x00
iInterface: 0x00
===>Interface Descriptor<===
bLength: 0x09
bDescriptorType: 0x04
bInterfaceNumber: 0x01
bAlternateSetting: 0x01
bNumEndpoints: 0x01
bInterfaceClass: 0x01 -> Audio Interface Class
bInterfaceSubClass: 0x02 -> Audio Streaming Interface SubClass
bInterfaceProtocol: 0x00
iInterface: 0x00
===>Audio Streaming Class Specific Interface Descriptor<===
bLength: 0x07
bDescriptorType: 0x24 (CS_INTERFACE)
bDescriptorSubtype: 0x01 (AS_GENERAL)
bTerminalLink: 0x03
bDelay: 0x01
wFormatTag: 0x0001 (PCM)
===>Audio Streaming Format Type Descriptor<===
bLength: 0x0B
bDescriptorType: 0x24 (CS_INTERFACE)
bDescriptorSubtype: 0x02 (FORMAT_TYPE)
bFormatType: 0x01 (FORMAT_TYPE_I)
bNrChannels: 0x01
bSubframeSize: 0x02
bBitResolution: 0x10 (16)
bSamFreqType: 0x01 (Discrete)
tSamFreq[1]: 0x00BB80 (48000 Hz)
===>Endpoint Descriptor<===
bLength: 0x09
bDescriptorType: 0x05
bEndpointAddress: 0x81 -> Direction: IN - EndpointID: 1
bmAttributes: 0x05 -> Isochronous Transfer Type, Synchronization Type = Asynchronous, Usage Type = Data Endpoint
wMaxPacketSize: 0x0064 = 0x64 bytes
wInterval: 0x0001
bSyncAddress: 0x00
===>Audio Streaming Class Specific Audio Data Endpoint Descriptor<===
bLength: 0x07
bDescriptorType: 0x25 (CS_ENDPOINT)
bDescriptorSubtype: 0x01 (EP_GENERAL)
bmAttributes: 0x00
bLockDelayUnits: 0x00 (Undefined)
wLockDelay: 0x0000
2025-02-18 6:40 AM
Hi @pugazh19
ERROR: No open pipes! It seems like host has not enough pipes for all devices attached. Check which request is failing!
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2025-02-18 1:48 PM
Interface 1 (Audio Streaming) has two alternate settings: #0 has no additional endpoints (0) and #1 has one IN endpoint. The problem can be that Windows by default selects the first alternate setting so it does not see any usable endpoint on this interface.
2025-02-28 8:14 AM - edited 2025-02-28 8:14 AM
Hi @pugazh19
Could you specify your host and your setup?
To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.