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Hello All, I am progressing toward my goal. I am bit banging a GPIO port every 2 uS based on a Byte buffer. I can not use SPI because I need to send a predefine number of bit that is not 8 aligned. So I use a timer and every UIF event I reset the GPI...
Hello, I have a signal that is coming to a GPIO and the period of the signal might slightly change and I need to realign a timer each time the GPIO is on rising edge.I try to use the TIMER1 with Slave mode reset and use ETR1 as trigger source. but it...
Hello, I am struggling to get the TIM1 of a STM32F411 to be triggered by an external GPIO. What I want to achieve is having ETR1 (PA12) to trigger TIM1 and have 4 repetition of 199 periodI am using STCubeMX and I must do something wrong as it is not ...
Hello, I am configuring a PWM Timer and I would like it to by triggered by ETR, the PWM is a 99 period, 50 duty cycles, with auto reload enable. I would like to have the PWM to be restarted (resync in a sort) at each etr rising pulse. ETR Pulse does ...
Hello, I have a SPI TX DMA, and I need to do the followingStep 1:start the TX DMA ,Step 2:stop the DMA,Step 3: store the NDTR register,Step 4: modify the size of the DMA SPIStep 5: restart the DMA with the new sizeStep 6: and restore the position of ...