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HI , am a beginner i am using the follwing code HAL_TIM_PWM_Start_DMA(&htim1, TIM_CHANNEL_1, (uint32_t *)sine_table, 20); HAL_TIMEx_PWMN_Start(&htim1, TIM_CHANNEL_1); // Start the DMA with the 180-degree phase-shifted sine wave table on channel 2 HAL...
Hi What is the most efficient method in program logic to generate a sine wave using an H-bridge with an advanced timer?I am using TIM1 on an STM32 microcontroller, which has two channels (Channel 1 and Channel 2) and complementary outputs. For genera...
Hello  ,  am using stm32f411 nucleo board. uint32_t sin_table[2] = {150, 250, 100}HAL_TIM_PWM_Start_DMA(&htim1, TIM_CHANNEL_1, (uint32_t *)sin_table, 3)HAL_TIM_PWM_Start_DMA(&htim1, TIM_CHANNEL_2, (uint32_t *)sin_table, 3);I am giving this value to t...
Drivinng ann H bridge to generate a sinewave , PWM generated and driving the H bridge .The PWM siganl as followsThe H bridge Connection as shown below.While appling supply the Low side MOSFET Q2 is Heating up Why so ?I added some dead time also nothi...
I'm encountering an issue with the update event triggering in STM32 TIM1. I have configured TIM1 to generate PWM signals and set the update event to Center-Aligned Mode 3. However, I've noticed that the update event occurs not only when the timer's c...
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