User Activity

1. I have modified the STMxxx_Flash.ld  linker file by adding some memory sections. Does the sequence of SECTIONS definition matters? LinkerScript.ld and MPU Config Added.Layout:ITCM -> Has some functionsDTCM-> non DMA Global VariablesD1 RAM (First 2...
What is the difference between Oversampling Continued vs Resumed mode?I understand that in Oversampling Continued without resetting the accumulator in between individual samples for that channel. Resumed Mode resets it.I don't understand the implicat...
Does i++ or ++i matters in loops in terms of processor cycles consumed in STM32H723 MCU?Using CubeIDE. Optimization: O0
Is it safe to use memcpy() in an ISR when another memcpy() was already running on main thread or another ISR?I am getting conflicting info on web about using memcpy() in an ISR to copy data between two uint32_t buffers.MCU: STM32H723CubeIDE V: 1.16.0
I want to use the FPU in an ISR. Will I have context switching issues or i have to specifically make changes in the System_stmxx.c if i am using code generated from CubeIDE.Do i need to setup these registers explicitly or it is handled by CubeIDE by ...