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Motorola 1D Barcode Scanner using USB Host HID

In one of my projects I'm using USB Host with STM32F407, It's working fine for both keyboard and mouse but while using Motorola Barcode scanner i face some issue related to USB host ID as it keeps on changing. It will connect with " HID_Device " Id, ...

Can't wake up with RTC on certain period

Hello!I am trying to wake up STM32L4 from STOP2 mode on each 3 seconds using RTC.This is the RTC initialization code:static void MX_RTC_Init(void){/* USER CODE BEGIN RTC_Init 0 *//* USER CODE END RTC_Init 0 */RTC_TimeTypeDef sTime = {0};RTC_DateTypeD...

LMehm by Associate II
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Resolved! Having a problem with the USART on my STM32WL55JC2.

I am having a problem with the USART on my STM32WL55JC2. I have configured the USART correctly, and I am using the correct pins, but the USART is not working.I have tried the following to troubleshoot the problem:I have checked the configuration of t...

ABell.5 by Associate II
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NDEBUG doesn't seem to work as expected

I'm working through some code size optimization efforts and noticed that our list file includes some calls to __assert_func. We're not using asserts in our codebase so I'm guessing one of the standard libs is using it. I checked and we have defined N...

Konami by Senior II
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Resolved! ESD protection on JTAG and SWD

I am reading the  "Getting started with STM32U5 MCU" guie, which mentions that JTAG/SWD lines should have a 47-Ohms resistor and a 6.1V diode for ESD protection,.I am using s STLINK-V3SET to program a custom board. STLINK already includes these compo...

dhs by Senior
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ADC Reading on Vbat Incorrect STM32G051C8T6

The issue I am having is as follows on the STM32G051C8T6. We are using the internal RTC with Vbat pin. On this MCU Vbat can be internally configured to be read by the ADC by diving by 3 Bridge. We have ADC Setup, I am making sure we perform the ADC C...

KDham.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! stm32c011f6p6

I needed a help how to implement shutdown mode and wakeup from external reset in my application   while (1) { HAL_Delay(100); // MAINS INPUT Adc_Mains(); HAL_ADC_Start(&hadc1); HAL_ADC_PollForConversion(&hadc1,1...

meena by Associate III
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Current sensitivity for Analog input

Hi all,I'm working with an STM32WL and I'm looking for an information I can't found. I have a voltage divider with 2 resistors to meseaure the battery voltage. I'd like to know what is the minimum current that the stm32wl can have on an analog input ...

SBaro.11 by Associate III
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stm32h735G_DK OB PCROP DMEP can't reset (un check)

Hello everyone, i am having issues with my board, I can't load to it. I am getting data read failed when i open stm32cubeprogrammer the OB PCROP DMEP box is checked (I did it) and I can't find a way to uncheck it. I have tried the ST-LINK_CLI.exe too...

A1bucker by Associate III
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