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The reference manual documentation for the onboard temperature sensor for STM32H745, RM0399, chapter 26.4.33 gives a formula for calculating temperature that is only valid when VREF is 3.3 volts, but lacks mention, foot note, etc of any kind that VRE...
I am releasing my first product using a dual core STM32H745.  Our board manufacturer is using Segger J-Flash to load our application hex files.  The process for flashing our released firmware is to load a Segger project setup for the M4 core and our ...
I have a product using a STM32H745ZIT that has an input signal connected to TIM1 ETR and in the normal case, an edge on the ETR using slave mode trigger results in a one pulse pwm output a set time later driven on TIM1 CH1 and TIM1 CH2.  A new use ca...
I'm bringing up a new project using STM32F733, with code generated from CubeMX version 6.6.1, with difficulty. Looking for suggestions.1) When I change the HAL timebase source from the default SysTick to something else, I've tried TIM2 and TIM10, the...
I'm using CubeMX 6.3.0 with a STM32H755 micro. The cube mx generated code assumes a HAL_PWREx_ConfigSupply( ) setting that is not correct for my hardware. Is there a place to configure this setting? I notice PWR is setup under Power and Thermal bu...
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