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Forum Posts

Resolved! Active BOOT0 by software on STM32L432

Hi all,I'm creating a personnal board with an STM32L432 mcu, but I have a question about BOOT0. I'd like my futur to give the possibility at my futur clients to update the board. To do thaht I know I can use DFU mode and to enter to this mode BOOT0 s...

SBaro.11 by Associate III
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STM32G473VCT Internal voltage reference setup failing

Hi All,I created an STM32CubeIDE project to set up an Internal voltage reference on myboard that has an STM32G473VCT; see the screenshot attached. All I did wascreate that Internal voltage reference, save and generate code. See screenshot: I put brea...

IAuto.1 by Associate II
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How to use COMP on STM32g431c8T6? I found it not work correctly. The pol is noninverted When INP(1.6V)<INM(2v),the out is high. Only INP=0, the out is low.

void Comp1Init(void){ Comp1GpioInit(); RCC -> APB2ENR |= 1;  //20230506///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// COMP1 -> CSR |= 3 << 19;//TIM3 OC3 Banking of CSA p739 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// COMP1 ...

立张.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Unique fw for 2 ST MCU

Hi... we are deciding if has a sense to develop a electronic board able to host to different mcus (STF4 and STH5) and giving an external hw trigger the unique fw should be able to run the part relevant to F4 series or H5 series. The question is how m...

SGasp.1 by Senior
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