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Resolved! Nucleo-F091RC CAN Bus not communicating

I am using the Nucleo-F091RC board to communicate with a Motor that allows me to change it's speed with CAN.  I have the nucleo board attached to an Adafruit CAN Pal board which has a TJA1051T/3 from NXP as the CAN transceiver but I have yet to actua...

Watchdog timer issue

Hello FolksI have enabled the watchdog timer for 1.5 second. Here is screenshot of watchdog timer configuration for our ready reference.*** @brief IWDG Initialization Function* @param None* @retval None*/static void MX_IWDG_Init(void){ /* USER CODE B...

No source available Error

Hello everyone, I am currently doing a project that requires upto 16384 points of FFT(Fast Fourier Transform) . I found out that I can’t perform this number of FFT points using arm CMSIS DSP library since it is limited to 4096 point Max. Due to this ...

Patukes by Associate III
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Resolved! About CAN communicaton with STM32F042

Hi!I am testing CAN communication using STM32F042.The settings for CAN communication on the same two boards are also set the same.One board transmits data through CAN communication once per second, and the other board receives data.If I check the CAN...

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USB CDC device conflict with other peripheral

Hello,I am working on the STM32H7A3ZGT6 with the following parametersCubeIDE 1.13.0CubeMX 6.9.0I am trying to add a USB device CDC for debugging. My objective is to print debug data on the virtual port com. I am sucessufull at sending data directly a...

ABricout_0-1689093133117.png ABricout_1-1689093141352.png
ABricout by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32F407 wrong flash values

Hello,I have an issue with some STM32F407VG chips.Values stored in flash are wrong, e.g.Flash size at address 0x1FFF7A22 is 0xFFFF instead of 0x400.Temperature sensor calibration data for 30°C is 0xFFFF.Here after is a picture of the bad chip.Thanks ...

zeboss49 by Associate III
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unable wake-up from standby mode in stm32f30 controller

Hi all,i am using stm32f3 discovery EV kit, i am using stand by mode for deep sleep, but it is not wake up from sleep mode.i configured sys_wkup1 (PA0) and it is connected push button.i am re intialize i/o port and toggling one led after wake up from...

nraj by Associate II
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Resolved! How to interface EMMC with STM32H743XIH ?

Hi all,This is my first project trying to configure an EMMC memory with my stm32H743XIH MCU, and unfortunatly i didnt find any exemples of projects so i can understand how this works ! I'm facing two problems on my first try project :1) Create projec...

PyKe by Associate III
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