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The stm32L496VG I bought a long time ago downloads well, but the stm32L496VG I bought this time doesn't download.Both were downloaded with the same st-link v2,but it's very strange.Does the recently produced stm32 mcu not work for downloading if the ...
  STM32L4에서 오디오 재생 에 문제가 있습니다 .   이는 IAR 컴파일러의 경고 메시지입니다. 경고[Lt009]: 일관성 없는 wchar_t 크기 mp3d_htab_armv4.o(lib_mp3decoder_cortex_m4_v2.2.0.a)에는 wchar_t 크기 16비트 Audio_player.o 및 164개의 다른 개체가 있으며, 그 중 일부는 dl7M_tlf.a에 있고 90개의 다른 라이브러리에는 wchar_t 크기 32비트 Mo...
my original lcd settingsvoid MX_LCD_Init(void){/* USER CODE BEGIN LCD_Init 0 *//* USER CODE END LCD_Init 0 *//* USER CODE BEGIN LCD_Init 1 *//* USER CODE END LCD_Init 1 */hlcd.Instance = LCD;hlcd.Init.Prescaler = LCD_PRESCALER_8;hlcd.Init.Divider = L...
I use STM32L496To save current to a minimum, It briefly enters NOMAL mode (0.2mA ~ 6.3mA) and updates the LCD numbers, then stays in STOP mode (0.2mA) for about 1 second and then wakes up with RTC.I keep repeating this.However, in STOP mode, it alway...
I want to minimize LCD current consumption.LCD current consumption is too high.After updating the LCD status, we immediately enter STOP_MODE to save current. (Keep repeating this)I would like to reduce the LCD's current consumption by reducing the LC...