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Both the storage protection unit and the microprocessor unit are abbreviated MPU. How to use the abbreviation in order to prevent conflicts ?
The structure of the stm32 usb device library feels very complex, is there any tutorial to clarify the structure?I want to implement a UVC.This is a picture I found on a wiki, but I can't make sense of it.For example, the file stm32xxx_ll_usb has no ...
I want to know the address in the memory map, is it a virtual address or a physical address? 
stm32h7xx_hal_uart.c is missing a prompt to enable usart interrupt in the DMA configuration instructions.Other comments have this sentence:(+++) Configure the USARTx interrupt priority and enable the NVIC USART IRQ handle(used for last byte sending c...
With DCMI (with DMA) and USART only 1.5FPS, why is the frame rate really low? The output is set to QVGA and formatted as JPEG.  
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