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Our product uses a STM32H7xx chip, integrate freeRTOS. We want our product can go into STOP mode to save power, and can be waked up from STOP by USART3 receiving data.Below is some related code, but it does not work, our product can't be waked up by ...
I need generate ethernet Mac address for my devices(STM32H7xx), and want to make those devices' Mac address NOT same. The first 3 byte of Mac address will use ST's, so only leave 3 bytes. We want to use the chip UID to generate the 3 bytes of the Mac...
I want to use ST-Link OpenOCD to debug and program my STM32H7x board. But always got failure. My STM32CubeIDE version is STM32CubeIDE_1.13.2, .openocd_2.1.0.202306221132 is within CubeIDE. The attached is the config file for openOCD(.cfg is not allow...
I want to know my board(STM32H750)'s CPU usage when it is running. I used freeRTOS in my softwrae system.Is there any tools or any ways to get CPU usage during the system is running?
I am using STM32CubeIDE to develop a product with STM32H7 chip. I enabled freeRTOS in our software system. When I debug code, I can see freeRTOS tasks in "FreeRTOS Task list window" and I am in current task context. How can I switch to other task's c...