STM32 MCUs products

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Forum Posts

Resolved! MCU at 1V8 - a need for UART level shifters?

I saw on NUCLEO-U5A5 schematics - there is a level shifter for signal T_VCP_TX:a bit obvious: if MCU jumper is set to run on 1V8 VDD - an external UART receiver (e.g. CP2102N) would not get anymore correct UART_TX signals (yes, it does not anymore wi...


Resolved! STM32H7A3 LPUART and BDMA

I'm trying to get the LPUART working with BDMA on a STM32H7A3 MCU.  Eventually I'd like to set it up so the MCU goes into a low power state and wakes up when it receives a LF character match in the incoming message, but for now I'm just trying to get...

magene by Senior II
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STM32U5 wakeup from stop mode with LPUART

Hello.I'm trying to wakeup the STM32U5 controller (U575ZI Nucleo board) when a byte is received using the LPUART.I'm using the LSE clock for the LPUART. Without entering the stop mode, the LPUART interrupt is triggered whenever a byte is received. Th...

andreas23 by Associate II
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Hey folks, I am using UART RX in DMA mode using 512 byte buffer. My code sippest working fine. I have one question.Q. Suppose you have recevied 12 bytes but you have set 512 length so, rxCmplt() callback will not called. Right? But I wanted to stop U...


Hello everyone,I'm working on a project where i use 2 STM32 MCU which communicate with each other with LPUART and DMA.My STM32 references : STM32L072CBT6 and STM32L010C6T6I have a problem with this communication with LPUART and DMA. I see that error ...

MLam by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32L0 LPUART LSE Error

Hello everyone,I'm working on a project with a STM32L072CBT6.I'm using LPUART (PB10 / PB11) at 9600 bauds to communicate with an other board. For low power consumption, i'm using LSE for my LPUART.When i check my bauds rate on my oscilloscope, i get ...

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MLam by Associate III
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I2C sensor on USART 2 Serial communication

Hello, I am using the embedded coder support package in simulink to interface with my onboard MEMS acceleration sensor (LSM303AGR) on my STM32F411VET discovery board. I could successfully connect and run simple LED program through USART2 on simulink ...
