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Dears, good afternoon.We had standard hardware for telemetry using STM32G071. We decided to migrate it to STM32WB15CC in order to take advantage of BLE features.It turns out that two sensors use the same interrupt line, PA8 and PB8, although one dete...
Dear friends, good evening.I am facing the following problem with my application using BLE with the MB1641 (STM32WB15CC):We had an app that worked with a device using another microcontroller (Nordic). We are adapting this device to an STM32 platform....
Dear ST professionals,Continuing the previous problem reported at, I have problems when use LPUart to wake up from STOP Mode. I tried ...
Hello! I have a Nucleo Board MB 1641 (STM32WB15CC) and I am developing an application using BLE, in P2P mode. Including based on the usage example provided by ST.The application needs to transmit from the UART to the BLE and return the response from ...
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