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Forum Posts

I'm following this tutorial: And my boar cannot conect to mi phone.

The connection green led indicator doesn't twinkle, it is alway on and I can't see the nucleo in the ST BLE Sensor app. I suppose that the problem is with the CPU 2. I was debugging the code and it nevers reaches the function APPD_EnableCPU2( ); beca...

PGarg.1 by Associate II
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The iOS "ST BLE Sensor" App is crashing when you press connect in that App. Version 4.14.5 available in US Apple App store. 100% repeatable bug.

Android version fails to connect with "error during the connection with the node XYZ". I have tried both latest version available in Google Play Store (v4.14.7) and the other version (v4.14.4) available on ST Micro website. Does anyone have solutions...

Arthur1 by Associate
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Interrupt based LPUART with BLE application.

Hi I'm working with STM32WB5MMG-dk. The purpose is to develop BLE Gateway. The module has a custom GATT svc with 4 GATT char svc which sends and receive bytes, this data is been provided by MSP430 to STM32WB5 vice versa. So MSP430 acts as master whe...

SPalr.1 by Associate II
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