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Forum Posts

Resolved! VREF+ exceeding VDDA during power on/off

I'm trying to understand the following excerpts from the STM32L476 datasheet, which seem to contradict:In Table 20 - the absolute maximum voltage on the VREF+ pin is given as 4.0V (VREF+ I assume falls under the "other" category). Table 76 seems to i...

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How to connect a STM32F4xxxRE on a custom PCB

Hello,This is the first time I've designed a PCB with a stm32. I found a PDF on the internet that gives me an example of a Nucleo connection but I'm not sure if my schematic is correct.I don't need all the headerts or the usb connection (I'll be usin...

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Paulo971 by Associate III
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STM32U535 Backup registers access wait states

Hi all, I am running into an issue related to writing backup registers on the STM32U535xx MCU. When I compile my code with -Oz, the write fails, whereas with -Os, it succeeds. The relevant C code is pretty straightforward:LL_PWR_EnableBkUpAccess();LL...

GeertL by Associate II
  • 4 replies
  • 1 kudos

Program stm32F745 via RS-485 and bootloader

Hello everyoneIs it possible to program my STM32F745 via RS-485 using the integrated bootloader?My idea is using USART1 (as written in the AN2606) and a transceiver to do that. Has anyone done something similar? Thank you very much in advanced. Best ...

ADC Rank starts at 2 on 1st conversion

Tools:STM32CubeIDE: Version: 1.14.1 Build: 20064_20240111_1413 (UTC)TM32CubeMX: Version: 6.10.0-RC9 Build: 20231120-2037 (UTC) OS:Linux Lmint21 Hardware:STM32H743 I set up ADC3 in CubeMx to enable scan on Internal Temperature and VBat and set the DMA...

ST-LINK V2 Update error Unexpected flash size

Used this ST-Link V2 with W10 some years ago. Now on Linux I want to use it with openocd and got error:ST-Link version does not support DAP direct transportMost likely the cable adapter needs update.But the STLinkUpgrade.jar reported  Unexpected flas...