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Today, I suddenly experienced a bus fault on my stm32h563 which I traced down toDBGMCU->APB1FZR1 |= DBGMCU_APB1FZR1_DBG_IWDG_STOP;which I use to configure the watchdog to stop when the core has been halted by the debugger. fault status registers:SCB-...
Should ICACHE be invalidated when a double ECC error occurs?
In the FLASH_ECCDETR register, the ADDR_ECC field description contains:"The address in ADDR_ECC is relative to the flash memory area where the error occurred(user flash memory, system flash memory, data area, read-only/OTP area)."But I'm having troub...
I'm trying to use the STM32H563 HASH peripheral to speed up sha256 calculations.The examples all use HAL_HASH_Start() to write the entire message at once.However, I'd like to feed chunks of data to the peripheral. The OEMiROT mbedtls sha256_alt drive...
I'm trying to use CMSIS DSP on a STM32H563, but I do not get the expected results.In X-CUBE-ALGOBUILD.1.3.0, when I select DSP Library  in STM32CubeMX, the installed arm_math.h does not list Cortex-M33 support: #error "Define according the used Corte...