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Getting TXUNDERR while writing data to eMMC

Hello -> We are using a custom board with STM32H745 controller and 8GB eMMC communicated with sdmmc. -> getting SDMMC_FLAG_TXUNDERR bit after writing 64 bytes to eMMC. But i am giving 1k buffer array to write. -> eMMC initialization, reading logic bl...

Resolved! Nucleo-f401RE frequency measuring using timer

Hello, I am trying to create a simple frequency measuring device using 1 optical encoder and NUCLEO-F401RE board. I want to capture frequency (or period) of impulse, so I was thinking to use input capture mode and capture rising edge of impulses and ...

DSimp.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32 API for Delphi

Hello AllI tried searching all over. Is there a  STM32  API for Delphi program developers. The idea is that I am Delphi programmer who would like to design custom programs to read/write to STM32F4 development boards. STM32Cube IDE is fine for running...

techdesk by Associate III
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Is there a way to do deadtime compensation

Dear all,I'm new to this forum, so apologies if I post this in the wrong category. I'm trying to find a way to implement a deadtime compensation mechanism using a STM32G4. I have a 3-level 3-phase VSI. The switching frequency is 50kHz, the deadtime i...

Not able to enable TIM4 interrupt in NUCLEO-F756ZG

Trying out a simple timer w/ interruptI am using the below code to enable interrupt However during debug when ever I go to NVIC_SetVector(....)orTIM4->CR1 |= TIM_CR1_CEN; ;//-> CEN=1;//Start Timer4 I get an error'Break at address "0x80009b0" with no ...

JJAYAR by Associate II
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