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First , the github project is this   It has converted to onnx and tensorRT for ppl to usebut when i load the onnx model into stm32 for optimize/import (setting , compression : none , optimization : balan...
I am trying to make a music visualizer with led matrix and stm32f411 usb audio functionpreviously , i tried to use stm32f103 blue pill but the usb audio stuck and i can't find the reasonso i purchased the black pill to do it but now the problem is th...
I am trying to use the usb audio to obtain computer sound data and i have blue pill and STM32F746G-DISCO on my handFor blue pill,i add some prints in this functionstatic uint8_t USBD_AUDIO_DataOut(USBD_HandleTypeDef *pdev, uint8_t epnum);but it only ...
i am using STM32C011F6P6 and try to enter stop mode byLL_PWR_SetPowerMode(LL_PWR_MODE_SHUTDOWN);LL_LPM_EnableDeepSleep();__WFE();the current is little bit more than not entering the shutdown modeand the clock is not stoppingis there any thing I shoul...
Hi everybody,I am trying to use the audio on stm32f746g-disco.I can hardly find a tutorial for this.Many solutions got their way to solve it and left not much details.lots of the solutions guide to the examples in CubeMX , but they seems a little bit...
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