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SysTick_Handler() function isn't called in a project based upon the STM32G070CB mcu (48 terminals). However, with the STM32G070RB (64 terminals (NUCLEO-G070RB)) there aren't any issues. I found this workaround from 3 years ago (almost 4):https://comm...
Hi!I'm looking for a uC that:It is Cortex-M0 or M0+,It isn't a Low Power device (L series) (no need to include Shottky diodes, and my app will be power hungry)It has internal EEPROM,32 <= LQFP <= 64,It has 20+ free pins,and the most important thing: ...
I've created a new project and the IDE has stuck in the "Please Wait For Clean Up" state for more than an hour, and I cannot cancel it! Should I wait for another hour or should I kill the process and then lose all my work in the workspace? 
Hi, I need to use the MCP79410 rtc (or alikes: DS1307, PCF8583, etc) but the STM32CubeIDE I2C seems that can't handle the read/write protocol for these devices. For example, as the below image shows, one needs to send the control byte (writing) follo...
Hi,I'm using the internal EEPROM bank 0 for the STM32L073 chip located at 0x08080000 (as per the user manual).  After writing my data (less than 1K; and bank 0 has 3K capacity) and trying to enter into debug mode, system refuses to do so:(BTW: such l...