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I'm using  STM32G030F6 chip.  Try configure on pin PA8 external interrupt. When it make in UI "PInout & Configuration" tab it works as expected. But I want configure it from code. Here example: Added to main.h pin naming  #define FC_ON_Pin GPIO_PIN_8...
I'm using gpio interrupt inside there void HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Rising_Callback(uint16_t GPIO_Pin){static uint32_t push_time;if(GPIO_Pin == IS_FUSED_Pin){pin_int_now = HAL_GetTick();if(fuze_push_time + DEBOUNCE_INTERVAL < pin_int_now){LED_Green_On();fuze_pu...
Have an issue with connection I2C sensor to STM32G030 chip.  Function HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady alvais return HAL_ERROR.  Looks like this controller are not support I2C master, but documentation said: Features of the I2C peripheral: I2C-bus specification...
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