1)STM32H745I-DISCO, the bus is 16bit and the memory is 32bit. In the spec there is 128M-bit SDRAM.Question is if full memory 1(28M-bit) is available for usage on this kit?2) If answer is yes on first question. We can only access half of the memory an...
Hi I am having lags in the RTC after one day. I am currently using the Nucleo L476RG board, the RTC oscillator is LSE and my CubeIDE version is 1.6.1. It seems as if in the time intervals where I do not read the RTC it is not updated. The next table ...
I'm using an STM32L051.Is this how the sub second counter works in the RTC? The sub second counter always starts at PREDIV_S when a new second starts?The graph shows a simplified example when PREDIV_S is 3.
/* USER CODE END Header *//* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/#include "main.h"/* Private includes ----------------------------------------------------------*//* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */#include <stdio.h...
One VCU controller A, one USBCAN converter B, one my H7 device C. A is sending, B and C are receiving. When C Stop FDCAN, both A and B report a bus failure.One VCU controller A, two USBCAN converters B1 and B2, . A is transmitting, B1 and B2 are rec...
1) We are looking to perform 140 FFTs each having 2048 samples every second. How can I gauge the performance of STM chips for this purpose or are there benchmarks or data published about this?2) Are their suggested libraries for running FFT’s on STM3...
Here's my code:SPI_HandleTypeDef spi_handle = { .Instance = DEF_SPI_INS_SPI1, .Init = { .Direction = SPI_DIRECTION_2LINES, .BaudRatePrescaler = SPI_BAUDRATEPRESCALER_2, .CLKPh...
Greetings. I am having an issue with SPI communication Note: In my case, under STM32H743, with SPI4 used as "Full-Duplex Slave" and "Hardware NSS Input Signal". The SPI4 pins used are PE11 (SPI4_NSS), PE12 (SPI4_SCK), PE13 (SPI4_MISO), and PE14 (S...