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Forum Posts

Power consumption in Standby mode a little too high

Hello,Following setup: STM32L431 MCU with 64 pins TQFPThe board I'm using is a minimally soldered version because I could not reach the stated figures in standby mode from the datasheet.Necessary capacitors are soldered + 1x 22uF 0805 + a 32kHz cryst...

ramses946 by Associate III
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STM32 Nand flash FTL

Hi, everyone.Recently, I want to write the stm32 FTL (Flash Translation Layer) algorithm of NAND flash, but I can’t find any sample code about the FTL algorithm on the Internet. I would like to ask if you have any recommended documents or information...

LLily.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! QSPI - Read UNIQUE ID from W25Qxx NOR memory

Hi ST community!I'm a liltle confused about how to read the UNIQUE ID from memory NOR W25Qxx. In my case a use the W25Q128 - already use thi...

uilter_0-1688522617046.png uilter_0-1688526470865.png uilter_1-1688526540478.png uilter_2-1688526686011.png
uilter by Senior
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STM32F303CB Unique Device ID - false values?

Posted on April 27, 2016 at 15:48 Hi I am reading from different STM32F303CB the unique device IDs as follows: // unique device ID base address from RM p.1120 #define BASE_ADDR_UID ((uint32_t *)0x1FFFF7AC) uint32_t UID_Low =...

rnaegeli by Associate
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Resolved! STM32U5 ADC differential input polarity issue - RM0456 error

I think RM0456, section 33.4.7 may be wrong describing ADC differential input polarity:"When channel “i” is configured in differential input mode, its negative input voltage is connected to VINN[i-1]."According to Figure 218 and my tests the opposite...

RM0456 ADC bug A.png RM0456 ADC bug B.png
TDJ by Lead
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