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Forum Posts

Resolved! Delay of interfacing timer is rather inconsistent

I have implemented a hallinterface (tim 1), to update my pwm timer (tim 8). But the delay i set is rather fluctuating.Disabling interrupt inside of the tim 1 interrupt did not help. And i think, outside of the interrupt it should not matter, since th...

Tobe by Senior III
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Resolved! Unable to regress to RDP=0

I'm working on a custom STM32U5 board and I'm trying to harden the system.I followed the AN5347 ( in particular I foll...

Resolved! COM update interrrupt is delayed 1.3us

Hi,i am trying to figure out, why this interrupt is delayed that much.The com trigger comes from timer 1, which works as expected. Also the delay here is as expected too (apart from a 50ns deviation). There is a delay of 1.3us, from the time i can ob...

Tobe by Senior III
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Resolved! Function return value problem to the FreeRTOS task

Hi All!I'm doing a project on the STM32F429 discovery board.In this project, I've used the TouchGFX.Also, I'm using the FreeRTOS. The idea is to read the Temperature sensors and read their values to the TextAreas in TouchGFX.TouchGFX was tested and w...

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USolar by Associate III
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Are there any documentations about FSMC layout?

I am now designing a board for STM32F103VET6 and would like to use the FSMC to control the TFT LCD (320x480 resolution)May I ask if there are any notes or guides that mention the layout requirements? Such as what conductor impedance should the data l...

OW1TY2 by Associate II
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Resolved! VREF+ exceeding VDDA during power on/off

I'm trying to understand the following excerpts from the STM32L476 datasheet, which seem to contradict:In Table 20 - the absolute maximum voltage on the VREF+ pin is given as 4.0V (VREF+ I assume falls under the "other" category). Table 76 seems to i...

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How to connect a STM32F4xxxRE on a custom PCB

Hello,This is the first time I've designed a PCB with a stm32. I found a PDF on the internet that gives me an example of a Nucleo connection but I'm not sure if my schematic is correct.I don't need all the headerts or the usb connection (I'll be usin...

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Paulo971 by Associate III
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