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Hi,I'm currently looking for a way to identify the MCU attahced to a common pcb used. The MCUs are from the H7 series and im geeting unexpected results, as in they all return the same id 0x450I have tried looking at the DBGMCU->IDCODE, HAL_GetDEVID()...
Im interested to know what the actve areas of a flex button is ?for example is the active area just limited to the text or icon within the flex button or is it active with the complete rectangluar frame of the button ?We are noticing a number of fail...
Hi,I have been struggling to get my head around the way custom container call backs work.I have a custom container that has three flex buttons, this container is then used on a single screenview multiple times.I'd like to be able to identify the flex...
Hi,I am currently running two TouchGFX designs for a single CubeIDE project. effectlvly one design is Landscape and the other portrate. This is fine however, i am having to maintain them individually in different repos as i am unsure how to have both...
I am using touchgfx 4.20.0 and have a project running well in portrait on a 2.4" tft screen (RGB565).My issue iswhen i rotate the project to be landscape some features become very laggy. for example i have a rotary dial and turning it up and down mov...
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