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Forum Posts

stm32wb55 ADC read error

Hi all,I am using an stm32wb55 neucleo board for a wearable based project. I am using ADC1-IN1 to read the adc raw value from MCU pin PC0 of wb55 board.  A voltage divider circuit was connected to scale down the BAT voltage from (4.2-3.7) to (1.8-1.5...

Resolved! LwIP webpage not updating

Hello, I am using LwIP alongside a STM32F7. I am very new to network programming and I was wonder why the webpage is not updating when I modify the html code. If I visit the page via the IDE, the changes are there but on a live version of the site, n...

Carrcl by Associate II
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CMSIS-DSP with STM32F302

Dear all,is it possible to use CMSIS-DSP with STM32F302XXX? Actually I'm working with NUCLEO STM32F302R8Tx (but final board will have STM32F302RCT6) and I have two issues :1) I am not able to find lib *.a in repository CMSIS_DSP 2) Following this gui...

ermes by Associate
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