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Heyho,I recently finished - or so I thought - the ethernet bootloader for STM32H73x.The bootloader can update the application and vice versa, updating, jumping back and forth, all working fine.Until yesterday all of a sudden (when I was working on so...
Heyho FLASH experts!within the last few weeks I was able to get an ethernet bootloader running on a H735 discovery kit.Internal flash is partitioned into area starting with the bootloader (256kB, including ETH), then comes the application (rest: 768k...
Heyho,I just made an interesting observation on the STM32H735 Discovery concerning the internal core power supply.I'm working on an ethernet bootloader for my custom board using an STM32H733, which has no internal SMPS, only the LDO.As I do not yet h...
Heyho,I'm currently working on an ethernet bootloader, I have it all working now.File upload via browser using http POST, into HyperRAM (~200 ms for 400kB bin file),from HyperRAM to external SPI flash (for now octal on H735-Discovery, later changed t...
Heyho,I'm about to start writing an ethernet bootloader for the H7.I found the F7's LwIP_IAP example, a good way to get ideas how to realize the bootloader, although I'll probably put the new bin into an external SPI flash.As I have an http-webserver...