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I have a product that contains 2 STM32F405/07/15/17 series MCUs. There are 2 because we need 4 CAN and that's cheaper and easier than finding a 4 CAN MCU. Anyways, the main MCU is connected to the secondary MCU via UART and the boot/reset pins so tha...
I am using an 8MHz crystal HSE, and the application (MBED) is able to use CAN, USB, UART, etc properly, so the timing for the HSE is setup correctly. When I try to use the HSE as a source for MCO1 or MCO2 however, it does not work, I get no output. I...
I am trying to use the Mbed USBSerial class on an STM32F767VI and it works fine. I also have CAN3 RX setup on pin PA8 (USB SOF) and a GPIO on PA10 (USB ID). I am not using the SOF or ID functionality, but initializing the USB makes it so those pins d...
I want to use the factory USB DFU bootloader for production programming. I have set BOOT0 to 1 and BOOT1 to 0, powered on the board, and plugged in the USB, and in device manager I get an unknown device (device descriptor request failed). I am not su...