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Forum Posts

Problem using DMA and ADC

Hello everyone!I am trying to use DMA for the first time with an ADC.I think I have configured my ADC and DMA correctly to work together (see configuration below).Using the debug I notice that in the HAL_ADC_Start_DMA function, the LL_ADC_REG_StartCo...

Tom83 by Associate II
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STM32 sleepmode problem

Hi. everyone"I've found that when I enter sleep mode, my uwtick stops counting, which causes issues with calculating the DataCollect time after waking up with the RTC. Is there a way to resolve this?"while(1){    if(HAL_GetTick() >= Tcmd1_dataCollect...

Resolved! STM32G0B0 writing to PD1 affects PD0

I am running into an issue with the STM32G0B0 MCU: Writing to PD1 seems to result in the opposite value being somehow applied to PD0, even though PD0 is set to input.Effectively, I created a new project in STM32CubeIDE, configured PD0 & PD2 as GPIO_I...



I tried to use this board to capture image by using DCMI DMA with a ov2640 camera. The problem is data read is successful in DCMI(by watching the register) but the buffer(initialized:uint32_t buffer[16000]={0}) used to store the image data was the sa...

屏幕截图 2024-08-04 191212.png 屏幕截图 2024-08-04 191418.png
EsonShen by Associate II
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