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This question is about HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive.If a slave starts sending 8 bytes of data after the 4th byte sent by the master, is it possible to use HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive without a dummy (ignore) buffer?We will be the master side.Our assumption is...
We want to use HAL_SPI_Transmit to send data (master) in 8-bit units.However, even though we have set SPI_DATASIZE_8BIT, data is sent in 16 bits.Is there anything incorrect in the code below? uint8_t *spi_txdata;spi_txdata = (uint8_t *)malloc(2 * siz...
I have a question regarding interrupt handling for CDC_Receive_FS.After receiving CDC_Receive_FS we do any process we created, but we do not want to do CDC_Receive_FS during the process.Is there an API to disable or enable CDC_Receive_FS interrupts?
This is a question regarding virtual COM port communication using CDC.A STM32F412 Discovery with CDC installed is connected to a Windows PC, and 70 bytes of data is sent from the PC via serial communication.However, when receiving with CDC_Receive_FS...
We are trying to add built-in self-test capability to a program we are developing.Specifically, we would like to periodically check ROM and RAM. Are there any sample programs for those? [MCU] STM32F412VGT6