when I call tick I get HardFault
when I call tick I get HardFault. what can be the problem ? thanks.
when I call tick I get HardFault. what can be the problem ? thanks.
When generate the project for the CM4 core, it seems I forget to enabled the SWD debug. Now, in Keil's debug wizard, the SWDIO shows 'No target connected'. My nucleo board is just a brick now.Any method to unlock it?BTW: I can reboot with BOOT0 pull...
I'm trying to blink a LED once per second, using the SEC interrupt.I'm rewriting a NIXIE clock I wrote, that used a home-brewed dly() function, so the remnants of that code are still there, sorry about that.According to Ref Manual I have, if the SECI...
void test_sdio_write_buffer(uint8_t sector, uint32_t* buffer, uint8_t ch) { printf("+++test_sdio_write_buffer called, sector: %d\n", sector, ch); printf(" Before HAL_SD_GetCardState returns : %d\n", HAL_SD_GetCardState(&hsd)); printf(" perform...
What's the maximum amount of current which I can draw from a NUCLEO-L476RG output pin? (in order to power a light source) Is there a limit per pin as well as an overall limit for the whole board?
It seems simpe but, it is not. How can I read CPU_TAP_ID register? I can be access only afer connecting debugger but how can it be read?
Hi All,I am interested to use STM32H7 Dual core for my project. To save component and space, May I use it without external oscillator?Thanks
A'm using LL libraty. I need simple PWM output on PB1.TIM2 init related to CH1 and PA5 work.When I change setup to CH4 and PB1 pwm doesn't go to the pin.Both PA and PB ar clocked.Under debuger I checked MODER registers, AF_5 function is selected.Work...