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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32F103C8 RTC SECIE: cannot enter interrupt handler

I'm trying to blink a LED once per second, using the SEC interrupt.I'm rewriting a NIXIE clock I wrote, that used a home-brewed dly() function, so the remnants of that code are still there, sorry about that.According to Ref Manual I have, if the SECI...

BGor.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32L010K8 TIM2_CH4 PWM can't go to PB1

A'm using LL libraty. I need simple PWM output on PB1.TIM2 init related to CH1 and PA5 work.When I change setup to CH4 and PB1 pwm doesn't go to the pin.Both PA and PB ar clocked.Under debuger I checked MODER registers, AF_5 function is selected.Work...

Kansio by Associate II
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