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Forum Posts

Does ST confirm the LpTimer issue with stop mode?

The LPTIMER OF STM32l0(Config BASED ON LSI) can cause the CPU to be temporarily stuck in the LPTIM ISR with no way for the CPU to clear the IRQ.The bug is well described here with a workaround, can someone from ST confirm this issue, and if there is ...

Resolved! SPI4 error

Hi,I'm trying to use SPI to communicate between two boards. On the MASTER side, i am using the HAL_SPI_Transmit(&hspi4, (uint8_t*)TxData,sizeof(TxData),100); and on the slave side i have enabled the interrupt, HAL_SPI_Receive_IT(&hspi4,RxData,1); The...

IRodr.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! Extend RAM STM32F429

Hey,I have a discovery board ( board has an on board 64 MBit SDRAM.Now i have read in other posts that RAM extension is not possible in an SPC line MCU. However what about the STM32F4...

Resolved! STM32H7 , how to set the "analog switch" for _C pins

Dear experts,I'm using Cube to assign pins for my stuff (yep...) and it offers some pins with _C sufix (PC2_C, PC3_C).From the RM0433 fig.75 I gather this is something with the "analog switch" and in order to use these _C pins as AF for some device (...

Pavel A. by Evangelist III
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STM32L010 and NXP NT3H2211 (I2C question)

Greetings everyone, I am trying to communicate with NT3H2211.My specific problem is marked red on the picture (everything else I manage to successfully send/receive). When reading data NT3H2211 wants to get " 7 bits SA and '1' " and then it will send...

JZida.1 by Associate II
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